Selection criteria

Inclusion criteria

To be included in LATITUDES tools must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Designed to assess multidimensional aspects of validity of individual studies or reviews
  • Designed for use in evidence synthesis
  • Developed for use by the wider research community rather than for a single research group
  • All versions of tools included; older versions of tool clearly marked as such with links to later versions

RosetteCriteria for LATITUDES key tools

LATITUDES key tools are indicated with a red rosette symbol in the library.

Key tools are those which fulfil all four of these criteria:

  • Focuses on risk of bias, or makes a distinction between items that assess risk of bias and other aspects of study quality
  • Offers a method to reach either a domain specific or overall assessment of risk of bias
  • Tool development involving a range of stakeholders from different disciplines (e.g. methodologists, statisticians, clinicians)
  • Avoids recommending use of summary numerical quality scores.

Process for identifying tools  

  • Suggestions from advisory board
  • Search of guidance for evidence syntheses
  • Suggestions via the website
  • Review of existing depositories and review articles
  • Citation search of our paper on developing ROB tools

If you would like to suggest a tool you can do so here.